Monday, January 17, 2011

Effective Executive Communication Principle #1 Posture Power

Here is the first in a series of Effective Executive Communication.  Following these prinicples, most of which are simple and cost-free, will move you forward on your way to professional confidence and success.

As an executive, when you communicate you want to convey confidence and credibility, and you want people to feel compelled to listen. Considering that a lot of what is communicated is non-verbal, your body language and vocal inflection can miscommunicate your real message. Use these seven tips to increase the effectiveness of your communication and ensure that you always get your point across.

#1 Recognize the Power in Your Posture

Your communication starts with the stance you choose when you speak. Whether you are talking on the phone or you are in a meeting, it is always best to stand up when you speak. To be sure to get your point across, pull your shoulders back to slightly exaggerate your posture and open up your diaphragm. Do not play with a pen, fidget, or cross your arms and legs when you speak. Using open body language conveys that you mean what you say and are open to the input of others.

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